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Mapping sequencing data

Tag: genomics, map

generate genome index for subsequent mapping

STAR index


STAR --runThreadN $runThreadN \
     --runMode genomeGenerate \
     --genomeDir $genomeDir \
     --genomeFastaFiles $genomeFastaFiles  

output files:

[zhangqf7@bnode02 xiongtl]$ ll
total 1.1G
-rw-rw----+ 1 zhangqf7 zhangqf 8.3M May 18 15:31 Log.out
drwxrwx---+ 2 zhangqf7 zhangqf 4.0K May 18 15:31 refseq_ensembl_homolog
-rw-rw----+ 1 zhangqf7 zhangqf 139M May 18 15:23 refseq_ensembl_homolog.fa
-rwxrw----+ 1 zhangqf7 zhangqf  362 May 18 15:30 star_index.sh
drwx------+ 2 zhangqf7 zhangqf 4.0K May 18 15:31 _STARtmp

If you link this blog, please refer to this page, thanks!
Post link:https://tsinghua-gongjing.github.io/posts/sequencing_data_mapping.html

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