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Use IGV to load .bed track file

Tag: genomics, plot


command line: igvtools

% ~/Downloads/IGVTools/igvtools help

Program: igvtools. IGV Version 2.3.98 (141)07/25/2017 12:12 AM

Usage: igvtools [command] [options] [input file/dir] [other arguments]

Command: version print the version number
	 sort    sort an alignment file by start position.
	 index   index an alignment file
	 toTDF    convert an input file (cn, gct, wig) to tiled data format (tdf)
	 count   compute coverage density for an alignment file
	 formatexp  center, scale, and log2 normalize an expression file
	 gui      Start the gui
	 help <command>     display this help message, or help on a specific command
	 See http://www.broadinstitute.org/software/igv/igvtools_commandline for more detailed help


sort and index


在建立inde之前,需要sort bed文件,有两种方式:

sort -k1,1 -k2,2n  in.bed > out.sort.bed (bedtools 推荐)
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -o in.bed in.bed  # 直接sort原文件并保存
igvtools sort in.bed out.sort.bed
igvtools index sort.bed

load into IGV





load bed file with color

The .bed file should be defined like this, the 5 column should not be ., must specify a value.

track name="ItemRGBDemo" description="Item RGB demonstration" visibility=2 itemRgb="On"
chr1    629885  629939  IGF2BP3 1       +       629885  629939  255,250,200
chr1    629887  629940  IGF2BP1 1       +       629887  629940  170,110,40
chr1    629891  629928  NOP56   1       +       629891  629928  0,0,0
chr1    629891  629931  FBL     1       +       629891  629931  60,180,75

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Post link:https://tsinghua-gongjing.github.io/posts/IGV_load_bed_with_index.html

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