Circos plot has been widely used to display genomic element interactions along with annotations. In RISE database we also visualise RNA-RNA interactions in this format.
Here is how we retrieve data from mysql database, process the data into specific format and plot with Circos tool.
[zhangqf5@loginview02 bin]$ ./mysql -h bio04 -uzhangqf5
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
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Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> show DATABASES;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| RISE |
| test |
3 rows in set (0.24 sec)
mysql> use RISE;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_RISE |
| auth_group |
| auth_group_permissions |
| auth_permission |
| auth_user |
| auth_user_groups |
| auth_user_user_permissions |
| biomart_hg38 |
| biomart_hg38_mm10_longest |
| biomart_hg38_mm10_longest_chr |
| biomart_mm10 |
| conservation |
| datas_conservation |
| datas_rri |
| django_admin_log |
| django_content_type |
| django_migrations |
| django_session |
| expressionaltasCellLine_mouse |
| gencode_biomart_hg38_mm10_yeast |
| gencode_biomart_hg38_mm10_yeast_repeats |
| gencode_hg38_mm10 |
| human_DARNED |
| human_RADAR |
| human_RMBaseNm |
| human_RMBaseOthers |
| human_RMBasePseudoU |
| human_RMBasem5C |
| human_RMBasem6A |
| human_clipdb |
| human_editing |
| human_modification |
| human_pancan |
| human_ucscSnp142 |
| mouse_clipdb |
| mouse_editing |
| mouse_modification |
| mouse_ucscSnp142 |
| proteinaltasCellLine_human |
| rri |
| rri_bk |
40 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> describe rri;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| index | bigint(20) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| chr1 | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| start1 | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| end1 | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| chr2 | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| start2 | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| end2 | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| rise_id | varchar(13) | YES | | NULL | |
| score | varchar(15) | YES | | NULL | |
| strand1 | varchar(1) | YES | | NULL | |
| strand2 | varchar(1) | YES | | NULL | |
| ensembl_gene_id1 | varchar(40) | YES | | NULL | |
| ensembl_gene_name1 | varchar(40) | YES | | NULL | |
| ensembl_gene_id2 | varchar(40) | YES | | NULL | |
| ensembl_gene_name2 | varchar(40) | YES | | NULL | |
| ensembl_gene_type1 | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | |
| ensembl_gene_type2 | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | |
| ensembl_gene_abstract_type1 | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| ensembl_gene_abstract_type2 | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| method | varchar(15) | YES | | NULL | |
| species | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| cell_line | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| cell_line2 | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| pubmed_id | text | YES | | NULL | |
| reference | text | YES | | NULL | |
| pos1 | varchar(25) | YES | | NULL | |
| pos2 | varchar(25) | YES | | NULL | |
| chr1_fill | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| start1_fill | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| end1_fill | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| chr2_fill | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| start2_fill | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| end2_fill | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| genomic_context1 | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| genomic_context2 | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| pos1_phastCons | varchar(15) | YES | | NULL | |
| pos1_phyloP | varchar(15) | YES | | NULL | |
| pos2_phastCons | varchar(15) | YES | | NULL | |
| pos2_phyloP | varchar(15) | YES | | NULL | |
39 rows in set (0.06 sec)
mysql> describe gencode_biomart_hg38_mm10_yeast_repeats;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| index | bigint(20) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| gene_id | text | YES | | NULL | |
| gene_name | text | YES | | NULL | |
| gene_start | bigint(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| gene_end | bigint(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| gene_type | text | YES | | NULL | |
| tx_id | text | YES | | NULL | |
| tx_start | bigint(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| tx_end | bigint(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| tx_type | text | YES | | NULL | |
| tx_abstract_type | text | YES | | NULL | |
| sequence_type | text | YES | | NULL | |
| chr | text | YES | | NULL | |
| start | bigint(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| end | bigint(20) | YES | | NULL | |
15 rows in set (0.01 sec)
[zhangqf5@loginview02 duplex_test]$ lt
total 11K
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 394K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.convert.png
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 133K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.convert.resize.html
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 135K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.convert.svg
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 369K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.log
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 258K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.convert.html
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 42K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.anno.convert
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 37K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.genestructure.convert
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 17K May 16 21:26
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 5.3K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.linkgenes.convert
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 2.8K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.linkgenes.txt.convert
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 349K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.png
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 135K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.svg
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 232K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.html
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 42K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.anno
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 37K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.genestructure
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 22K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.genestructure.introns
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 19K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.genestructure.introns.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 17K May 16 21:26
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 5.3K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.linkgenes
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 2.8K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.linkgenes.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 1.9K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.linkgenes.zooms
-rw-rw---- 1 zhangqf5 zhangqf 2.1K May 16 21:26 ENSG00000100320.linkgenes.zooms2
ENSG00000100320.convert.png/svg is the final plot correspond to the figure above or in the database for RNA RBFOX2
file gene structure:
[zhangqf5@loginview02 duplex_test]$ head -5 ENSG00000100320.genestructure
hs9 94175952 94176043 gene_id=ENSG00000199165,gene_name=MIRLET7A1,gene_type=miRNA,tx_id=ENST00000362295,sequence_type=Exon,id=ENSG00000199165|MIRLET7A1|94175952|94176043|miRNA|ENST00000362295|94175952|94176043|miRNA|miRNA|Exon|9|94175952|94176043
hs10 133246478 133247050 gene_id=ENSG00000166917,gene_name=MIR202HG,gene_type=ncRNA,tx_id=ENST00000553459,sequence_type=Exon,id=ENSG00000166917|MIR202HG|133246478|133247891|antisense|ENST00000553459|133246478|133247891|antisense|ncRNA|Exon|10|133246478|133247050
hs10 133247791 133247891 gene_id=ENSG00000166917,gene_name=MIR202HG,gene_type=ncRNA,tx_id=ENST00000553459,sequence_type=Exon,id=ENSG00000166917|MIR202HG|133246478|133247891|antisense|ENST00000553459|133246478|133247891|antisense|ncRNA|Exon|10|133247791|133247891
hs17 77319515 77320326 gene_id=ENSG00000184640,gene_name=SEPT9,gene_type=protein_coding,tx_id=ENST00000329047,sequence_type=5UTR,id=ENSG00000184640|SEPT9|77280569|77500596|protein_coding|ENST00000329047|77319515|77500592|protein_coding|protein_coding|5UTR|17|77319515|77320326
hs17 77498656 77500592 gene_id=ENSG00000184640,gene_name=SEPT9,gene_type=protein_coding,tx_id=ENST00000329047,sequence_type=3UTR,id=ENSG00000184640|SEPT9|77280569|77500596|protein_coding|ENST00000329047|77319515|77500592|protein_coding|protein_coding|3UTR|17|77498656|77500592
file annotations:
[zhangqf5@loginview02 duplex_test]$ head -5 ENSG00000100320.anno
hs22 35744177 35744178 1 anno_category=modification,anno_source=RMBase,anno_type=m6A,anno_gene_info=chr22|35744164|35744204|RISE0255307_2|2|-|ENSG00000100320|RBFOX2|protein_coding|protein_coding,anno_full=chr22|35744177|35744178|m6A_site_86471|0|-|m6A_site_86471|m6A|1|GSE60213|25799998|RBFOX2&RBFOX2|retained_intron&protein_coding|exon&utr3|GTGAGACCCCTGCAAATGGGACAGCCCCCCAGTTCATGAGG|modification|RMBase||ENSG00000100320|ENST00000405409|3UTR|1,id=chr22|35744164|35744204|RISE0255307_2|2|-|ENSG00000100320|RBFOX2|protein_coding|protein_coding|chr22|35744177|35744178|m6A_site_86471|0|-|m6A_site_86471|m6A|1|GSE60213|25799998|RBFOX2&RBFOX2|retained_intron&protein_coding|exon&utr3|GTGAGACCCCTGCAAATGGGACAGCCCCCCAGTTCATGAGG|modification|RMBase||ENSG00000100320|ENST00000405409|3UTR|1
hs22 35744192 35744193 1 anno_category=modification,anno_source=RMBase,anno_type=m6A,anno_gene_info=chr22|35744164|35744204|RISE0255307_2|2|-|ENSG00000100320|RBFOX2|protein_coding|protein_coding,anno_full=chr22|35744192|35744193|m6A_site_86472|0|-|m6A_site_86472|m6A|1|GSE60213|25799998|RBFOX2&RBFOX2|retained_intron&protein_coding|exon&utr3|CCCTACTGAAGTGACGTGAGACCCCTGCAAATGGGACAGCC|modification|RMBase||ENSG00000100320|ENST00000405409|3UTR|1,id=chr22|35744164|35744204|RISE0255307_2|2|-|ENSG00000100320|RBFOX2|protein_coding|protein_coding|chr22|35744192|35744193|m6A_site_86472|0|-|m6A_site_86472|m6A|1|GSE60213|25799998|RBFOX2&RBFOX2|retained_intron&protein_coding|exon&utr3|CCCTACTGAAGTGACGTGAGACCCCTGCAAATGGGACAGCC|modification|RMBase||ENSG00000100320|ENST00000405409|3UTR|1
hs5 6668743 6668744 1 anno_category=RBP,anno_source=CLIPDB,anno_type=RBP,anno_gene_info=chr5|6668720|6668754|RISE0224410_1|2|+|ENSG00000145545|SRD5A1|protein_coding|protein_coding,anno_full=chr5|6668743|6668744|human_RBP_CLIPdb_iCLIP_CIMS_2234997|0|+|PTBP1|iCLIP&CIMS|HEK293T|GSE57278&GSM1378377|9|25219497||ENSG00000145545|ENST00000510531|3UTR|1|iCLIP|CIMS|human,id=chr5|6668720|6668754|RISE0224410_1|2|+|ENSG00000145545|SRD5A1|protein_coding|protein_coding|chr5|6668743|6668744|human_RBP_CLIPdb_iCLIP_CIMS_2234997|0|+|PTBP1|iCLIP&CIMS|HEK293T|GSE57278&GSM1378377|9|25219497||ENSG00000145545|ENST00000510531|3UTR|1|iCLIP|CIMS|human
hs5 6668704 6668725 1 anno_category=RBP,anno_source=CLIPDB,anno_type=RBP,anno_gene_info=chr5|6668720|6668754|RISE0224410_1|2|+|ENSG00000145545|SRD5A1|protein_coding|protein_coding,anno_full=chr5|6668704|6668725|human_RBP_CLIPdb_iCLIP_CIMS_4297059|0|+|TARDBP|iCLIP&CIMS|Brain|E-MTAB-530&ERR039849|4|21358640||ENSG00000145545|ENST00000510531|3UTR|5|iCLIP|CIMS|human,id=chr5|6668720|6668754|RISE0224410_1|2|+|ENSG00000145545|SRD5A1|protein_coding|protein_coding|chr5|6668704|6668725|human_RBP_CLIPdb_iCLIP_CIMS_4297059|0|+|TARDBP|iCLIP&CIMS|Brain|E-MTAB-530&ERR039849|4|21358640||ENSG00000145545|ENST00000510531|3UTR|5|iCLIP|CIMS|human
hs5 6668749 6668770 1 anno_category=RBP,anno_source=CLIPDB,anno_type=RBP,anno_gene_info=chr5|6668720|6668754|RISE0224410_1|2|+|ENSG00000145545|SRD5A1|protein_coding|protein_coding,anno_full=chr5|6668749|6668770|human_RBP_CLIPdb_iCLIP_CIMS_4435494|0|+|TIAL1|iCLIP&CIMS|HeLa|E-MTAB-432&ERR039780-ERR039783-ERR039784-ERR039785|7|21048981||ENSG00000145545|ENST00000510531|3UTR|5|iCLIP|CIMS|human,id=chr5|6668720|6668754|RISE0224410_1|2|+|ENSG00000145545|SRD5A1|protein_coding|protein_coding|chr5|6668749|6668770|human_RBP_CLIPdb_iCLIP_CIMS_4435494|0|+|TIAL1|iCLIP&CIMS|HeLa|E-MTAB-432&ERR039780-ERR039783-ERR039784-ERR039785|7|21048981||ENSG00000145545|ENST00000510531|3UTR|5|iCLIP|CIMS|human
file links (RRI):
[zhangqf5@loginview02 duplex_test]$ head -5
hs5 6668720 6668754 hs22 35740046 35740082 category=GlobalAnalysis,method=PARIS,duplex=derived,gene_id1=ENSG00000145545,gene_name1=SRD5A1,gene_type1=protein_coding,gene_id2=ENSG00000100320,gene_name2=RBFOX2,gene_type2=protein_coding,id=chr5|6668720|6668754|chr22|35740046|35740082|RISE0224410|2|+|-|ENSG00000145545|SRD5A1|ENSG00000100320|RBFOX2|protein_coding|protein_coding|protein_coding|protein_coding|PARIS|human|Hela(highRNase)|Hela|27180905||chr5:6668720-6668754|chr22:35740046-35740082|chr5|6668720|6668754|chr22|35740046|35740082|3UTR|3UTR|0.000441176|-0.350088|0.0715833|0.0108889
hs22 35742350 35742375 hs17 41866974 41867001 category=GlobalAnalysis,method=PARIS,duplex=derived,gene_id1=ENSG00000100320,gene_name1=RBFOX2,gene_type1=protein_coding,gene_id2=ENSG00000131473,gene_name2=ACLY,gene_type2=protein_coding,id=chr22|35742350|35742375|chr17|41866974|41867001|RISE0233924|2|-|-|ENSG00000100320|RBFOX2|ENSG00000131473|ACLY|protein_coding|protein_coding|protein_coding|protein_coding|PARIS|human|Hela(highRNase)|Hela|27180905||chr22:35742350-35742375|chr17:41866974-41867001|chr22|35742350|35742375|chr17|41866974|41867001|3UTR|3UTR|0.2758|0.29404|0.733481|0.895222
hs22 35741848 35741867 hs8 101129130 101129157 category=GlobalAnalysis,method=PARIS,duplex=derived,gene_id1=ENSG00000100320,gene_name1=RBFOX2,gene_type1=protein_coding,gene_id2=ENSG00000253355,gene_name2=KB-1460A1,gene_type2=ncRNA,id=chr22|35741848|35741867|chr8|101129130|101129157|RISE0233925|2|-|+|ENSG00000100320|RBFOX2|ENSG00000253355|KB-1460A1|protein_coding|processed_transcript|protein_coding|ncRNA|PARIS|human|Hela(highRNase)|Hela|27180905||chr22:35741848-35741867|chr8:101129130-101129157|chr22|35741848|35741867|chr8|101129130|101129157|3UTR|Exon|0.000315789|-0.186737|0.0836296|0.0691481
hs22 35741792 35741815 hs6 123471015 123471034 category=GlobalAnalysis,method=PARIS,duplex=derived,gene_id1=ENSG00000100320,gene_name1=RBFOX2,gene_type1=protein_coding,gene_id2=ENSG00000235535,gene_name2=RP11-532N4,gene_type2=ncRNA,id=chr22|35741792|35741815|chr6|123471015|123471034|RISE0233926|2|-|+|ENSG00000100320|RBFOX2|ENSG00000235535|RP11-532N4|protein_coding|antisense|protein_coding|ncRNA|PARIS|human|Hela(highRNase)|Hela|27180905||chr22:35741792-35741815|chr6:123471015-123471034|chr22|35741792|35741815|chr6|123471015|123471034|3UTR|Exon|0.00156522|0.232348|0.0652632|0.296211
hs22 35740318 35740336 hs2 97735297 97735318 category=GlobalAnalysis,method=PARIS,duplex=derived,gene_id1=ENSG00000100320,gene_name1=RBFOX2,gene_type1=protein_coding,gene_id2=ENSG00000115085,gene_name2=ZAP70,gene_type2=protein_coding,id=chr22|35740318|35740336|chr2|97735297|97735318|RISE0233927|2|-|+|ENSG00000100320|RBFOX2|ENSG00000115085|ZAP70|protein_coding|protein_coding|protein_coding|protein_coding|PARIS|human|Hela(highRNase)|Hela|27180905||chr22:35740318-35740336|chr2:97735297-97735318|chr22|35740318|35740336|chr2|97735297|97735318|3UTR|CDS|0.895778|1.97189|0.903|4.62224
file link genes:
[zhangqf5@loginview02 duplex_test]$ head -5 ENSG00000100320.linkgenes
hs9 94175952 94176043 gene_id=ENSG00000199165,gene_name=MIRLET7A1,gene_type=miRNA,tx_id=ENST00000362295,id=ENSG00000199165|MIRLET7A1|94175952|94176043|miRNA|ENST00000362295|94175952|94176043|miRNA|miRNA|Exon|9|94175952|94176043
hs17 41866908 41918987 gene_id=ENSG00000131473,gene_name=ACLY,gene_type=protein_coding,tx_id=ENST00000352035,id=ENSG00000131473|ACLY|41866908|41930542|protein_coding|ENST00000352035|41866908|41918987|protein_coding|protein_coding|5UTR|17|41913874|41913896
hs10 133246478 133247891 gene_id=ENSG00000166917,gene_name=MIR202HG,gene_type=miRNA,tx_id=ENST00000553459,id=ENSG00000166917|MIR202HG|133246478|133247891|antisense|ENST00000553459|133246478|133247891|antisense|ncRNA|Exon|10|133246478|133247050
hs1 629640 630683 gene_id=ENSG00000225630,gene_name=MTND2P28,gene_type=pseudogene,tx_id=ENST00000457540,id=ENSG00000225630|MTND2P28|629640|630683|unprocessed_pseudogene|ENST00000457540|629640|630683|unprocessed_pseudogene|pseudogene|Exon|1|629640|630683
hsX 53556223 53556341 gene_id=ENSG00000271886,gene_name=MIR98,gene_type=miRNA,tx_id=ENST00000606724,id=ENSG00000271886|MIR98|53556223|53556341|miRNA|ENST00000606724|53556223|53556341|miRNA|miRNA|Exon|X|53556223|53556341
Motif discovery:
Motif scanning:
Motif comparison:
根据指定的motif文件,对query的fasta文件,用fimo扫潜在的RBP binding site:
fimo -oc combine_all_full \
--thresh 0.001 \
/Share/home/zhangqf7/gongjing/zebrafish/script/zhangting/paris_RBP/motif_CISBP_RNA_narrow/ \
motif .meme 文件的头文件(修改之前):
MEME version 4.10.1
Background letter frequencies (from uniform background):
A 0.25000 C 0.25000 G 0.25000 U 0.25000
Errors from MEME text parser:
The frequency letter U at position 4 is invalid for the DNA alphabet.
Errors from MEME XML parser:
Expected state IN_MEME not found!
MEME XML parser returned error code 4.
FATAL: No motifs could be read.
motif .meme 文件的头文件(修改之后):
MEME version 4.10.1
Background letter frequencies (from uniform background):
A 0.25000 C 0.25000 G 0.25000 T 0.25000
[zhangqf7@loginview02 ]$ meme2images
meme2images [options] <motifs file> <output directory>
-motif <ID> output only a selected motif; repeatable
-eps output logos in eps format
-png output logos in png format
-rc output reverse complement logos
-help print this usage message
Creates motif logos from any MEME or DREME motif format.
[zhangqf7@loginview02 MolCel2018_RBP]$ cat
MEME version 4.10.1
strands: +
letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= 8 nsites= 269 E= 3.3e-302
0.096655 0.111524 0.639405 0.152416
0.048326 0.022304 0.866174 0.063196
0.037174 0.044609 0.836433 0.081784
0.052045 0.066914 0.788104 0.092937
0.085501 0.078066 0.765801 0.070632
0.059479 0.130111 0.698886 0.111524
0.122676 0.122677 0.657993 0.096654
0.208179 0.193309 0.397770 0.200743
# generate wrong character
[zhangqf7@loginview02 MolCel2018_RBP]$ which meme2images
[zhangqf7@loginview02 MolCel2018_RBP]$ meme2images -eps test
# generate correct plot
[zhangqf7@loginview02 MolCel2018_RBP]$ /Share/home/zhangqf/usr/meme_4.11.2-app/bin/meme2images -eps test
[zhangqf7@loginview02 bin]$ /Share/home/zhangqf7/bin/tomtom --version
# 最新的版本比之前的版本添加了 -norc 参数
# 指定这个参数,只输出正链的,
# 对于扫RNA motif链的方向性很重要(一般不要负链上的)
[zhangqf7@loginview02 bin]$ /Share/home/zhangqf7/bin/tomtom
No query motif database supplied
tomtom [options] <query file> <target file>+
-o <output dir> Name of directory for output files;
will not replace existing directory
-oc <output dir> Name of directory for output files;
will replace existing directory
-xalph Convert the alphabet of the target motif databases
to the alphabet of the query motif database
assuming the core symbols of the target motif
alphabet are a subset; default: reject differences
-bfile <background file>
Name of background file;
default: use the background from the query
motif database
-motif-pseudo <pseudo count>
Apply the pseudocount to the query and target motifs;
default: apply a pseudocount of 0.1
-m <id> Use only query motifs with a specified id;
may be repeated
-mi <index> Use only query motifs with a specifed index;
may be repeated
-thresh <float> Significance threshold; default: 0.5
-evalue Use E-value threshold; default: q-value
-dist allr|ed|kullback|pearson|sandelin|blic1|blic5|llr1|llr5
Distance metric for scoring alignments;
default: pearson
-internal Only allow internal alignments;
default: allow overhangs
-min-overlap <int>
Minimum overlap between query and target;
default: 1
-norc Do not score the reverse complements of targets
Ignore unaligned columns in computing scores
default: use complete set of columns
-text Output in text format (default is HTML)
-png Create PNG logos; default: don't create PNG logos
-eps Create EPS logos; default: don't create EPS logos
-no-ssc Don't apply small-sample correction to logos;
default: use small-sample correction
-verbosity [1|2|3|4]
Set the verbosity of the program; default: 2 (normal)
-version Print the version and exit
$ tomtom -no-ssc
-oc ./tomom_5_Collapsed-used
-verbosity 1
-min-overlap 5
-dist pearson
-thresh 5
Prepare the .fa file:
[zhangqf7@loginview02 motif_CISBP_RNA_narrow]$ head miR_Family_Info.fa
The output .meme file (not in order as provides as using dict object):
[zhangqf7@loginview02 motif_CISBP_RNA_narrow]$ head -30
MEME version 4
Background letter frequencies (from uniform background):
A 0.25000 C 0.25000 G 0.25000 T 0.25000
MOTIF miR-214 (miR-214)
letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= 7 nsites= 20 E= 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0
MOTIF miR-217 (miR-217)
letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= 7 nsites= 20 E= 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
MOTIF miR-740 (miR-740)
The script:
from pyfasta import Fasta
def read_fa(fa):
fa_dict1 = Fasta(fa, key_fn=lambda key: key.split("\t")[0])
fa_dict = {i.split()[0]: j[0:] for i, j in fa_dict1.items()}
print fa_dict.keys()[0:3]
return fa_dict
def write_pwm(seq=None, motif_name=None):
if seq is None:
seq = 'AGGUAAGU'
if motif_name is None:
motif_name = 'Novel'
s = 'MOTIF %s (%s)'%(motif_name, motif_name)
s += '\n\n'
s += 'letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= %s nsites= 20 E= 0'%(len(seq))
s += '\n'
for n in seq:
n_s = [1 if n.upper() == b else 0 for b in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'U']]
s += ' '+'\t'.join(map(str, n_s))
s += '\n'
s += '\n'
return s
def meme_header():
header = 'MEME version 4\n\nALPHABET= ACGT\n\nBackground letter frequencies (from uniform background):\nA 0.25000 C 0.25000 G 0.25000 T 0.25000\n\n'
return header
def write_fa_all(fa=None):
savefn = fa.replace('.fa', '.meme')
SAVEFN = open(savefn, 'w')
fa_dict = read_fa(fa)
s_all = ''
header = meme_header()
s_all += header
for i in fa_dict:
seq = fa_dict[i]
s = write_pwm(seq, motif_name=i)
s_all += s
print >>SAVEFN, s_all
def main():
# header = meme_header()
# s = write_pwm()
# print header + s
if __name__ == '__main__':
biostar: Tutorial: Visualization of ChIP-Seq peak overlaps using HOMER mergePeaks and UpSetR
github: Calling mergePeaks to calculate overlap and UpSetR to plot
HOMER mergePeaks: Finding Overlapping and Differentially Bound Peaks
# Quick example
# calculate overlapping
mergePeaks H3K27AC.bed \
H3K27ME3.bed \
H3K4ME3.bed \
H3K9AC.bed \
gencode.bed \
-prefix mergepeaks \
-venn venn.txt \
-matrix matrix.txt
# plot overlapping
# SampleID:: output file name (same dir as venn.txt)
Rscript --vanilla multi_peaks_UpSet_plot.R "SampleID" venn.txt
The number of merged peaks are less than original peaks number, as overlapping regions will bed merged (asked in biostar: HOMER mergePeaks totals don’t add up to peaks input):
# original: two entry region overlapped
NM_001017557 1092 1121 NM_001017557 84 1373 + cds *
NM_001017557 1111 1139 NM_001017557 84 1373 + cds *
# merge: the two regions are merged
# in this case, the final number of entry is <= original
Merged-NM_001017557-1116-2 NM_001017557 1093 1139 + 0.000000 window.bed 2 NM_001017557--18,NM_001017557--19
The example venn.txt
file output is as below:
H3K27AC.bed H3K27ME3.bed H3K4ME3.bed H3K9AC.bed gencode.bed Total Name
X X 1690 H3K27AC.bed|H3K27ME3.bed
X X X 758 H3K27AC.bed|H3K27ME3.bed|gencode.bed
X X X 147 H3K27AC.bed|H3K27ME3.bed|H3K9AC.bed
X X X X 87 H3K27AC.bed|H3K27ME3.bed|H3K9AC.bed|gencode.bed
X X X 1420 H3K27AC.bed|H3K27ME3.bed|H3K4ME3.bed
X X X X 1797 H3K27AC.bed|H3K27ME3.bed|H3K4ME3.bed|gencode.bed
X X X X 1187 H3K27AC.bed|H3K27ME3.bed|H3K4ME3.bed|H3K9AC.bed
We can also calculate the cross-way percentage using these scripts, which is comparable with the section Display cross-way percentage for each set
import pandas as pd
from nested_dict import nested_dict
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
def load_upset_file(txt=None, header_ls=None,):
if txt is None:
txt = '/Share/home/zhangqf7/gongjing/zebrafish/result/dynamic_merge_region/005_005_new/abs/venn.txt'
set_category_stat_dict = nested_dict(2, int)
df = pd.read_csv(txt, header=0, sep='\t')
for sample in df.columns[0:-2]:
for label,count,name in zip(df[sample], df['Total'], df['Name']):
if label == 'X' and sample in name:
set_category_stat_dict[sample][len(name.split('|'))] += count
set_category_stat_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(set_category_stat_dict, orient='index')
set_category_stat_df = set_category_stat_df.loc[df.columns[0:-2], :]
print set_category_stat_df
set_category_stat_df_ratio = set_category_stat_df.div(set_category_stat_df.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
print set_category_stat_df_ratio
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
set_category_stat_df.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, ax=ax[0])
set_category_stat_df_ratio.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, ax=ax[1])
savefn = txt.replace('.txt', '.ratio.pdf')
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
What’s the meaning of -d
HOMER manual: Maximum distance between peak centers to merge, default: 100
Also asked in biostar HOMER mergePeaks -d value definition: no answer till now.
Prepare the test region bed file:
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ cat test1.bed
ch1 100 150
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ cat test2.bed
ch1 70 90
Run using -d 10
, the two region are not merged:
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ mergePeaks test1.bed test2.bed -prefix test10 -venn test10.venn.txt -d 10
Max distance to merge: 10 bp
Merging peaks...
Comparing test1.bed (1 total) and test1.bed (1 total)
Comparing test1.bed (1 total) and test2.bed (1 total)
Comparing test2.bed (1 total) and test1.bed (1 total)
Comparing test2.bed (1 total) and test2.bed (1 total)
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ cat test10_test1.bed
#name (cmd = mergePeaks test1.bed test2.bed -prefix test10 -venn test10.venn.txt -d 10) chr start end strand Stat Parent files Total subpeakstest1.bed test2.bed
Merged-ch1-125-1 ch1 120 130 + 0.000000 test1.bed 1 default-1
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ cat test10_test2.bed
#name (cmd = mergePeaks test1.bed test2.bed -prefix test10 -venn test10.venn.txt -d 10) chr start end strand Stat Parent files Total subpeakstest1.bed test2.bed
Merged-ch1-80-1 ch1 75 85 + 0.000000 test2.bed 1 default-1
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ cat test10.venn.txt
test1.bed test2.bed Total Name
X 1 test2.bed
X 1 test1.bed
Run using -d 35
, the two region are still not merged:
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ mergePeaks test1.bed test2.bed -prefix test35 -venn test35.venn.txt -d 35
Max distance to merge: 35 bp
Merging peaks...
Comparing test1.bed (1 total) and test1.bed (1 total)
Comparing test1.bed (1 total) and test2.bed (1 total)
Comparing test2.bed (1 total) and test1.bed (1 total)
Comparing test2.bed (1 total) and test2.bed (1 total)
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ cat test35.venn.txt
test1.bed test2.bed Total Name
X 1 test2.bed
X 1 test1.bed
For -d
less equal than 45, the regions are not merged.
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ ll test45*
-rw-rw----+ 1 zhangqf7 zhangqf 225 Sep 28 20:00 test45_test1.bed
-rw-rw----+ 1 zhangqf7 zhangqf 223 Sep 28 20:00 test45_test2.bed
-rw-rw----+ 1 zhangqf7 zhangqf 61 Sep 28 20:00 test45.venn.txt
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ cat test45_test1.bed
#name (cmd = mergePeaks test1.bed test2.bed -prefix test45 -venn test45.venn.txt -d 45) chr start end strand Stat Parent files Total subpeaks test1.bed test2.bed
Merged-ch1-125-1 ch1 103 147 + 0.000000 test1.bed 1 default-1
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ cat test45_test2.bed
#name (cmd = mergePeaks test1.bed test2.bed -prefix test45 -venn test45.venn.txt -d 45) chr start end strand Stat Parent files Total subpeaks test1.bed test2.bed
Merged-ch1-80-1 ch1 58 102 + 0.000000 test2.bed 1 default-1
If we set -d >=46
here, here is the merged result:
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ mergePeaks test1.bed test2.bed -prefix test46 -venn test46.venn.txt -d 46
Max distance to merge: 46 bp
Merging peaks...
Comparing test1.bed (1 total) and test1.bed (1 total)
Comparing test1.bed (1 total) and test2.bed (1 total)
Comparing test2.bed (1 total) and test1.bed (1 total)
Comparing test2.bed (1 total) and test2.bed (1 total)
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ ll test46*
-rw-rw----+ 1 zhangqf7 zhangqf 243 Sep 28 20:01 test46_test1.bed_test2.bed
-rw-rw----+ 1 zhangqf7 zhangqf 57 Sep 28 20:01 test46.venn.txt
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ cat test46_test1.bed_test2.bed
#name (cmd = mergePeaks test1.bed test2.bed -prefix test46 -venn test46.venn.txt -d 46) chr start end strand Stat Parent files Total subpeaks test1.bed test2.bed
Merged-ch1-102-2 ch1 57 148 + 0.000000 test1.bed|test2.bed 2 default-1 default-1
[zhangqf7@bnode02 abs]$ cat test46.venn.txt
test1.bed test2.bed Total Name
X X 1 test1.bed|test2.bed
时,替代后的region,首尾相差很小,但是没有overlap,所以没有merge,而取更大的时候,就merge在一起了。如其manual所写,peak centre的距离小于d时会被合并,合并后的起始很大程度会发生改变。
1.1 绪论
1.2 测序技术发展历程
1.2.1 发展中的DNA测序技术
1.2.2 经典的DNA测序方法
1.3 Sanger测序技术的原理和流程
1.3.1 Sanger测序技术的原理
1.3.2 Sanger测序技术流程
1.3.3 影响DNA测序的因素
1.4 测序常见问题及分析
1.4.1 PCR产物测序套峰
1.4.2 测序没有信号
1.4.3 测序反应提前终止
1.5 Sanger法测序的应用领域
1.6 第二代测序技术
1.6.1 第二代测序技术的特点
1.6.2 第二代测序技术原理
1.6.3 第二代测序技术的应用
1.6.4 第二代测序技术比较
1.6.5 第二代测序技术存在的问题
1.6.6 第二代测序技术发展及展望
1.7 第三代测序技术
1.7.1 Heliscope单分子测序
1.7.2 单分子实时测序技术
1.7.3 纳米孔单分子技术
1.7.4 第三代单分子测序技术的应用
2.1 De novo测序实验
2.1.1 De novo测序介绍
2.1.2 实验设计
2.1.3 基因组DNA的提取
2.1.4 文库构建
2.2 重测序实验
2.2.1 重测序介绍
2.2.2 重测序常用实验方法
2.2.3 实验设计
2.2.4 文库构建
2.2.5 重测序技术的应用
2.3 转录组测序实验
2.3.1 转录组与转录组学介绍
2.3.2 实验设计
2.3.3 文库构建
2.3.4 验证实验
2.4 宏基因组测序实验
2.4.1 宏基因组学背景介绍
2.4.2 方案设计
2.4.3 常见环境微生物样本制备及DNA提取方法
2.4.4 文库构建
2.4.5 宏基因技术的应用
2.5 MicroRNA测序实验
2.5.1 MicroRNA介绍
2.5.2 实验设计
2.5.3 文库构建
2.5.4 体外实验功能验证
2.5.5 体内实验验证
2.6 LncRNA测序实验
2.6.1 LncRNA介绍
2.6.2 LncRNA实验设计
2.6.3 rRNA去除
2.6.4 文库构建
2.6.5 lncRNA PCR(多基因或单基因验证)
2.6.6 lncRNA的荧光原位杂交(FISH)
2.7 目标区域测序实验
2.7.1 目标区域测序简介
2.7.2 目标区区域测序捕获平台
2.7.3 目标区域测序的实验流程
2.8 表达谱测序实验
2.8.1 表达谱测序技术介绍
2.8.2 实验设计
2.8.3 RNA提取和质量检测
2.8.4 Tag标签制备及测序
2.8.5 DGE差异表达基因的验证
2.8.6 表达谱测序的主要用途
2.8.7 目标基因cDNA全长克隆
2.8.8 荧光定量(RT-PCR)
2.9 甲基化测序实验
2.9.1 DNA甲基化简介
2.9.2 实验设计
2.9.3 甲基化DNA免疫共沉淀测序(MeDIP-Seq)
2.9.4 测序文库构建
2.9.5 甲基化验证实验
3.1 高性能计算环境概述
3.1.1 高性能的发展
3.1.2 高性能集群综合解决方案
3.2 生物信息分析环境搭建
3.2.1 硬件配置
3.2.2 系统安装
3.2.3 系统配置
3.2.4 生物软件安装
3.2.5 生物数据库安装
3.2.6 流程搭建
3.3 生物信息云平台构建及应用
3.3.1 云计算平台概述
3.3.2 生物信息云计算平台发展沿革
3.3.3 生物信息云平台构建
3.3.4 生物信息云平台应用
3.3.5 生物信息云计算平台产品案例
3.3.6 生物信息云计算平台产业发展
3.4 生物信息分析常用资源
3.4.1 NCBI与核酸相关数据库
3.4.2 蛋白质相关数据库
3.4.3 Gene Ontology数据库
3.4.4 KEGG数据库
3.4.5 生物学数据库搭建
3.5 生物信息分析常用的软件
3.5.1 生物数据查看与编辑软件
3.5.2 基于Linux服务器与高性能平台分析软件
3.5.3 高通量测序数据质控软件
3.5.4 序列比对软件
3.5.5 基因组数据拼接软件
3.5.6 变异检测与注释软件
3.5.7 转录组分析软件
3.5.8 R语言
4.1 高通量测序的生物信息学分析概述
4.1.1 高通量测序数据分析的软硬件条件
4.1.2 高通量测序数据分析通用流程
4.2 基因组de novo测序数据分析
4.2.1 De novo测序概述
4.2.2 生物信息分析策略
4.2.3 案例展示
4.2.4 细菌基因组de novo测序拼接流程详解
4.3 基因组重测序数据分析
4.3.1 重测序数据分析概述
4.3.2 重测序数据分析流程
4.3.3 重测序数据分析实践
4.4 转录组测序数据分析
4.4.1 转录组数据分析概述
4.4.2 转录组测序数据基本分析
4.4.3 转录组拼接
4.4.4 鉴定长非编码RNA
4.4.5 鉴定环状RNA
4.4.6 差异表达分析
4.4.7 蛋白结合分析
4.4.8 RNA结构分析
4.4.9 调控网络分析
4.4.10 转录组数据分析典型案例
4.4.11 转录组测序数据分析实践
4.5 宏基因组数据分析
4.5.1 宏基因组数据分析概述
4.5.2 宏基因组数据分析策略
4.5.3 基于16S rDNA/18 S rDNA/ITS靶向测序数据分析流程
4.5.4 基于靶向测序数据分析典型案例
4.5.5 宏基因组测序数据分析流程
4.5.6 宏基因组测序数据分析典型案例
4.6 miRNA测序数据分析
4.6.1 数据分析流程
4.6.2 数据分析典型案例
4.6.3 miRNA测序数据分析实践
4.7 外显子组测序数据分析
4.7.1 外显子测序概述
4.7.2 外显子组测序数据分析流程
4.7.3 外显子组测序数据分析典型案例
4.7.4 外显子组测序在疾病研究中的应用
4.7.5 目标区域测序
4.8 DNA甲基化测序数据分析
4.8.1 DNA甲基化概述
4.8.2 甲基化DNA免疫共沉淀测序
4.8.3 甲基化数据分析示例
4.8.4 全基因组重亚硫酸盐测序(WGBS)
4.8.5 简化重亚硫酸盐测序
4.9 染色质免疫共沉淀测序(ChIP-Seq)数据分析
4.9.1 ChIP-Seq概述
4.9.2 ChIP-Seq数据分析流程
4.9.3 Chip-seq数据分析实践
Tool | Manual | Description |
fastqc | pdf, online | provide a simple way to do some quality control checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. |
cutadapt | pdf, online | Cutadapt finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads. |
Trimmomatic | pdf, online | Trimmomatic is a fast, multithreaded command line tool that can be used to trim and crop Illumina(FASTQ) data as well as to remove adapters. |
STAR | pdf, online | To align our large (>80 billon reads) ENCODE Transcriptome RNA-seq dataset, we developed the Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference (STAR) software based on a previously undescribed RNA-seq alignment algorithm that uses sequential maximum mappable seed search in uncompressed suffix arrays followed by seed clustering and stitching procedure. |
Bowtie2 | pdf, online | Bowtie 2 is an ultrafast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences. It is particularly good at aligning reads of about 50 up to 100s or 1,000s of characters to relatively long (e.g. mammalian) genomes. |
SAM file format | pdf, online | SAM stands for Sequence Alignment/Map format. It is a TAB-delimited text format consisting of a header section, which is optional, and an alignment section. If present, the header must be prior to the alignments.Header lines start with ‘@’, while alignment lines do not. Each alignment line has 11 mandatory fields for essential alignment information such as mapping position, and variable number of optional fields for flexible or aligner specific information. |
Bedtools | pdf, online | Collectively, the bedtools utilities are a swiss-army knife of tools for a wide-range of genomics analysis tasks. The most widely-used tools enable genome arithmetic: that is, set theory on the genome. For example, bedtools allows one to intersect, merge, count, complement, and shuffle genomic intervals from multiple files in widely-used genomic file formats such as BAM, BED, GFF/GTF, VCF. While each individual tool is designed to do a relatively simple task (e.g., intersect two interval files), quite sophisticated analyses can be conducted by combining multiple bedtools operations on the UNIX command line. |
Here list some of the softwares in work:
Software | What to do | Local location | Frequency |
Adobe Reader | open pdf, print on noth page mode | AdobeReader-dc-en-a-install.dmg | ***** |
Alfred | find app, files | Alfred301.dmg, install | ***** |
Cytoscape | network visualization | Cytoscape-3.4.0-macos.dmg | * |
Dropbox | sync files | DropboxInstaller.dmg | ***** |
Endnote X8 | store papers | EndNote-X8-Mac.dmg | ** |
Evernote | web clip based note | Evernote-RELEASE-6.5-453172.dmg | ** |
Firefox | test website | Firefox 57.0.1.dmg | *** |
Foxit Reader | open pdf, can not print on noth page mode | FoxitReader1.11.0301-enu-Setup.pkg | ***** |
Google Chrome | explore website | googlechrome.dmg | ***** |
Inkscape | edit picture | Inkscape-0.91-1-x11-10.5-i386_1.dmg | * |
iTerm 2 | terminal, more powerful | | ***** |
Lantern | free network, not used after SS installed | lantern-installer-beta.dmg | ** |
MacPyMOL | visulize protein structure | EduPyMOL-v1.7.4.5.dmg | * |
MagicPrefs | set mouse short keys | ***** | |
Microsoft Excel | table, simple plot | office2016-mac | ***** |
Microsoft OneNote | note | office2016-mac | *** |
Microsoft Word | text file | office2016-mac | ***** |
Microsoft PowerPoint | ppt, layout picture | office2016-mac | ***** |
NeteaseMusic | music | NeteaseMusic-1.4.4-470-web.dmg | *** |
Parallels Desktop | run windows on Mac platform | pd12.2.dmg | ** |
Prism 6 | generate publishable biology plot | * | |
communication | QQ_V5.5.1.dmg | ***** | |
QQ music | music | QQMusicMac_Mgr.dmg | ** |
RStudio | R coding environment | RStudio-1.1.383.dmg | *** |
Safari | Mac explorer | ** | |
Seafile Client | sync file in THU | seafile-client-6.1.7.dmg, manual | ** |
ShadowsocksX | free network (most stable) | ShadowsocksX-2.6.3.dmg | ***** |
Skype | meeting | Skype_7.50.461.dmg | ** |
Sublime Text | code editor | Sublime Text Build 3114.dmg | ***** |
TeamViewer | screen sharing and control between different computers | TeamViewer.dmg | ** |
The Unarchiver | de-compress files | ***** | |
Thunderbird | emails | Thunderbird 45.1.1.dmg | ***** |
Transmit | file connection between remote server and local | Transmit | ***** |
VLC | video | vlc-2.2.4.dmg | * |
communicate, file transfer | ***** | ||
搜狗输入法 | for Chinese traditional text | sogou-mac-35e.dmg | ** |
All the softwares are under dir: /Users/gongjing/SeafileSyn/software/mac.
Also can be accessed online in Tsinghua Cloud
During past few years in THU, I have been involved in several volunteer group. For a member in different team, one ability is to write and edit soft article to introduce the activities. Here list some of the soft articles I wrote and edited with XiuMi:
reference: Sublime Text 3 Cheat Sheet
Command | Explain |
⌃X | Cut line |
⌃↵ | Insert line after |
⇧⌃↵ | Insert line before |
⇧⌃UP | Move line/selection up |
⇧⌃DOWN | Move line/selection down |
⌃L | Select line - Repeat to select next lines |
⌃D | Select word - repeat select other occurrences |
⌃M | Go to matching parentheses |
⇧⌃M | Select all contents of the current parentheses |
Command | Explain |
⌃K⌃K | Delete from cursor to end of line |
⌃K⌃BACKSPACE | Delete from cursor to start of line |
⌃] | Indent current line(s) |
⌃[ | Un-indent current line(s) |
⇧⌃D | Duplicate line(s) |
⌃J | Join line below to the end of the current line |
⌃/ | Comment/un-comment current line |
⇧⌃/ | Block comment current selection |
⌃Y | Redo or repeat last keyboard shortcut command |
⇧⌃V | Paste and indent correctly |
⌃[SPACE] | Select next auto-complete suggestion |
⌃U | Soft undo |
Command | Explain |
⌃P | Quick-open files by name |
⌃; | Goto word in current file |
⌃R | Goto symbol |
⌃G | Goto line in current file |
Command | Explain |
⌥. | Close tag |
⌃K⌃C | Scroll to selection |
⇧⌃A | Select tag |
⇧⌃J | Select indentation |
⇧⌃[SPACE] | Select scope |
⌃K⌃B | Toggle side bar |
⇧⌃P | Command prompt |
Command | Explain |
⇧F3 | Find previous |
F3 | Find next |
⌃F | Find |
⌃H | Replace |
⇧⌃F | Find in files |
Command | Explain |
⇧⌥2 | Split view into two columns |
⇧⌥1 | Revert view to single column |
⇧⌥5 | Set view to grid (4 groups) |
⌃2 | Jump to group 2 |
⇧⌃2 | Move file to group 2 |
Command | Explain |
⌃K⌃L | Transform to lowercase |
⌃K⌃U | Transform to uppercase |
⇧⌃K | Delete line |
⌃BACKSPACE | Delete word backwords |
⌃DEL | Delete word forwards |
Command | Explain |
⌥⌃DOWN | Add new line below with cursor |
⌃K⌃D | Skip selection |
⇧⌃L | Split selection into lines |
⌥F3 | Add cursor at all occurrences of a word |
⌥⌃UP | Add new line above with cursor |
ESC | Return to single selection |
Command | Explain |
⌃K⌃G | Clear mark |
⌃K⌃X | Switch location with mark |
⌃K⌃A | Select to mark |
⌃K⌃[SPACE] | Set mark |
⌃K⌃J | Unfold all |
⇧⌃] | Unfold code |
⇧⌃[ | Fold code |
Command | Explain |
⌥F2 | Select all bookmarks |
⇧F2 | Previous bookmark |
F2 | Next bookmark |
⌃F2 | Toggle bookmark |